Notice and Agenda: 4/1/15 Meeting, 3pm-5pm, Matta Conference Room, 11th Floor, One Ashburton Place

Special Commission to Reduce the Recidivism of Sex Offenders
April 1, 2015, 3-5 pm
One Ashburton Place, 11th Floor, Matta Conference Room

Meeting Notice and Agenda

I. Introductions

II. Vote on 1/14/15 Draft Minutes

III. Presentation by Assistant Parole Supervisor Beth Lind

IV. Invitation to attend MATSA/MASOC Conference (Dr. Guidry)

V. Plan for Upcoming Meetings
A. Presentation by Sex Offender Registry Board
B. Presentation by CPCS
C. Presentation by the Department of Probation
D. Request to present: Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness
E. Meeting to process and discuss previous presentations
F. Public hearings

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Website maintained by the Office of State Senator William N. Brownsberger, Chair. Contact Anne Johnson Landry with any questions at or at 617-722-1280.