Invitation to Special Meeting with Guest Speakers from Dr. Laurie Guidry

On 4.8.15 MCSOM is holding a SPECIAL MEETING with GUEST SPEAKERS at the Royal Plaza Hotel in Marlborough, MA from 10am-12pm.

Planned speakers include:

Dr. Kurt Bumby, Executive Director of the Center for Sex Offender Management, presenting the findings of a recent OVW project that looked at collaboration between probation/parole, victim advocates and sex offender management providers. He will also facilitate a discussion about our own collaborations in MA and also reflect back to us about the unique opportunity MCSOM offers our state for the exchange of information and resources.

Chris Lobonov-Rostovsky, Sex Offender Management Board Colorado Division of Criminal Justice will provide an overview of the Sex Offender Management Board in Colorado. This SOMB is a model for the rest of the country and something we have considered for MA. He is also the co-editor of the recently released SOMAPI report that provides cutting edge information about both adults and adolescents who have sexually abused.

Please RSVP to Diane Langlier of MASOC at the following email address by April 1, 2015:

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Website maintained by the Office of State Senator William N. Brownsberger, Chair. Contact Anne Johnson Landry with any questions at or at 617-722-1280.