Agenda and Notice for 5/28/15 Meeting

Special Commission to Reduce the Recidivism of Sex Offenders
May 28, 2015, 9-11am
One Ashburton Place, Matta Conference Room, 11th Floor, Boston, MA

Meeting Notice and Agenda

I. Introductions

II. Vote on 5/7/15 Draft Minutes

III. Presentation organized by the Committee for Public Counsel Services
A. Presenters
1. Dr. Eric Brown, clinical and forensic psychologist, will present case studies of youth with problematic sexual behaviors and the impact of registration on their
social, emotional and educational development.
2. Pamela Schwartz, Director of the Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness, will present on the challenges finding housing in Western
Massachusetts for individuals with sex offense convictions and the public safety benefits of reducing homelessness.
3. Fred Smith, the recently retired Director of Program Development for St. Francis House, Inc., will present about the highly successful programs for individuals
who have sexually offended and others in need of services at the St. Francis House in Boston, as well as his personal experience working with individuals
released from the Massachusetts Treatment Center after being found not sexually dangerous.
4. Attorney Eric Tennen, a partner at Swomley & Tennen, will discuss how the collateral consequences of a sex offense conviction, including GPS, lifetime
parole,registration, unemployment, homelessness, and other issues, impact his clients.

IV. Plan for Upcoming Meetings
A. Probation Department Presentation, followed by conversation on what Commission has learned to date
1. June 15, 1-3pm, One Ashburton Place, Charles River Room, 10th Floor

V. Other Business

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Website maintained by the Office of State Senator William N. Brownsberger, Chair. Contact Anne Johnson Landry with any questions at or at 617-722-1280.